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Buying tickets from Pia/Up-now as a foreigner 2018/11/2 12:48
Does anyone know if those sites allow foreigners to purchase tickets from them, and if they do how does it work? I want to buy tickets for MAMA18 in December, but I'm a little bit confused with how japanese ticketing sites work
by Cole (guest)  

Re: Buying tickets from Pia/Up-now as a foreigner 2018/11/2 21:18
Of course, they do. It works exactly the same as for Japanese nationals; indeed, you are never asked for your citizenship.

Or did you mean buying tickets from outside Japan?
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Buying tickets from Pia/Up-now as a foreigner 2018/11/2 23:18
sorry, I was wondering about purchasing the tickets outside of Japan online since I won't be there until a day or two before the event.
by Cole (guest) rate this post as useful

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