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Pizza Hut Japan 2018/12/25 16:46
In UK,we have Lunch Buffet For 6.99£.
Do you have same Buffet offer in Japan from pizza hut.
by Monica (guest)  

Re: Pizza Hut Japan 2018/12/26 05:46
So I googled "Pizza hut japan", and this was the first option available to click on...
by hakata14 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Pizza Hut Japan 2018/12/26 10:23
lazy people sometimes.
And UK service can be different from other locations
by justmyday rate this post as useful

Re: Pizza Hut Japan 2018/12/26 10:48
As far as I know, currently Pizza Hut in Japan operates only delivery and take-out style, no restaurants.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

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