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Where to get this kaniman and ikaman? 2019/1/30 01:57
plan to have some kaniman and ikaman in Hakodate morning market.

for the kaniman, I think there's only 1 store that sells it from what i could gather online. the store is called Kaneni Fujita Suisan カネニ藤田水産. An article informs it along Nakadori but gmaps points it inside Ekini Market 函館朝市えきに市場. Where is exactly the location of this shop? it's also said to be selling steamed Ezo Abalone and octopus.
i check Ekini market map and could not find the store inside.

Also there's the blackbun, Ikaman which is informed inside a market but not sure which market as well?
by SakuraBunny888  

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