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Handyman in Tokyo 2019/3/17 12:46
Hello. I recently moved to Tokyo and just rented an apartment. I will need some help with furniture montage as well as some small time painting work. Even though I know it may cost a lot more than what it would cost back in my country (Turkey), I was wondering if handyman work is common in Tokyo/Japan and if anyone has any experience with the associated costs. Thank you.
by Bizarre Journeys  

Re: Handyman in Tokyo 2019/3/18 03:53
Contact your ward office ombudsman. They should be able to give you a list of local contractors. Also, ask about esilver hakkenf – retired workmen who do small jobs.
by Paul (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Handyman in Tokyo 2019/3/18 04:44
as well as some small time painting work.

If you want to paint something in your apartment, such as a wall, make sure you get the authorization of your landlord first. In Japan you are normally not permitted to make any changes to the apartment, not even to hang a picture or so on the wall, if it involves a regular nail. (There are some specific "nails" that are more like a sewing needle, which are thought not to leave any traces and thus are permitted (or at least get used)). If the wall needs painting, actually it would be the landlords obligation to do so.
If however you are trying to paint some furniture, then if it is yours, just go ahead.

Sorry, I can't actually help you on your question though, but the idea of the PP sounds like a good starting point.

Enjoy your life in Japan!
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Handyman in Tokyo 2019/3/18 06:54
Thank you LikeBike - yep it is related to the painting of furniture/shelves. Not the walls but thank you for the warning.
by Bizarre Journeys rate this post as useful

Re: Handyman in Tokyo 2019/3/18 07:21
Hi. Yours is seemingly complicated a little. First off, how about consulting about it with your landlord or an official of Tokyo.

If you cannot understand Japanese at all, how about consulting about it with the followings:

Tokyo Cheapo | The Ultimate Guide To Tokyo

Metropolis Magazine – Japan's Number 1 English Magazine


Hope you'll like it, and welcome to Tokyo.
by Gatigati rate this post as useful

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