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Chewing gum for the teeth 2019/5/3 09:16
Where I live there are chewing gum you are supposed to chew on to protect the teeth from virus.

Is there any such sort of chewing gum in Japan?

What's it called and where to find it?
by Gus (guest)  

Re: Chewing gum for the teeth 2019/5/3 18:09
For some chewing gums xylitol is used as sweetening, to let you chew the gums for several minutes and promote remineralization of the teeth.

You can search for such gums with following key words: Japan, xylitol, gum.
They are sold at convenience stores, super markets and kiosks (in railway stations) for example, also available via the web.

(It is not viruses but bacteria which cause tooth decaying, by the way.)
by omotenashi rate this post as useful

Re: Chewing gum for the teeth 2019/5/3 20:12
Must have been my phone spelling, I didnt intend to write virus, not sure what I had in mind though...
by Gus (guest) rate this post as useful

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