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Translation of medical prescription
2019/5/5 13:27
I need help. Can any one knows or have any idea on how to translate English medical transcription from English to Japanese.
My father is now in the hospital in my country, and base on my contract my family is covered in health insurance here in Japan.First I need to pay by my self the said hospital bills & medicine . Base on my job contract I can apply for medical reimbursement up to 70%. I need to transfer the English medical transcription into Japan.
Does anybody know the process of medical reimbursement? Thank you for your help .
by Girly (guest)
Re: Translation of medical prescription
2019/5/5 22:10
Are you asking how to gtranslateh the prescription into the Japanese language (to show your insurance company what it is for), or to gtransferh one?
I donft think there is any way to gtransferh a prescription that has been issued outside Japan into one that can be used in Japan. On the other hand, if you need to have it gtranslatedh to show to your employer/insurance company in Japan to show what it is, you can contact a translation agency in Japan to do that for you for a fee.
by AK
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Re: Translation of medical prescription
2019/5/6 17:06
I dont understand?
You cannot use your English (or any non Japanese) prescription in Japan. So I don't understand why it needs to be translated.
As any medicine would require a new Japanese prescription while in Japan. And that solves the language issue as it is written in Japanese.
by hakata14 (guest)
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Re: Translation of medical prescription
2019/5/8 10:16
uMy father is now in the hospital in my country, and base on my contract my family is covered in health insurance here in Japan.v You might want to double-check the specifics of your contract. In general, when health insurance covers "family," it's referring to dependents, not all blood relatives. If you're living in Japan and your father is living in another country, he may not qualify as a dependent, especially if you're on the Japanese national health insurance.
by . . . . (guest)
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