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Wisteria Drink at Ashikaga Flower Park 2019/5/21 11:55
Hi All,

I recently went to Ashikaga Flower Park and bought many souvenirs. (Not a wise thing to do on the second day of a week long vacation, but no regrets here) I bought the wisteria pop that is shown in this article (mentioned as bicarbonate). Ref:
My wife and in laws were taken by this drink and would like to have it again. I was wondering if it is possible to get this drink outside of the wisteria season and outside of the flower park.

Hope to hear the good news soon. Thank you.
by Joshua (guest)  

Re: Wisteria Drink at Ashikaga Flower Park 2019/5/21 14:48
Umm... I looked for “‘ƒTƒCƒ_[ but it seems to be a speciality of that park only. At least on the internet I canft find where else it might be sold.
by LikeBike (guest) rate this post as useful

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