Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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What happen to NHI after coming back 2019/5/22 22:00
I am have been insured by Employee's Health Insurance (EHI) for 3 years. I'm quitting my job soon. I'm aware that I have to transfer my EHI to National Health Insurance (NHI) if I decide to stay in Japan as dependent with my husband who is student. I asked the NHI at my municipal office about the premium and I think I cannot afford it since they calculate the premium based on last year salary.

I'm thinking to go back to my country for a month and then coming back to Japan using family visitor visa. Then trying to get CoE and change my visitor visa into dependent.

My question is, will my NHI premium still be calculated using my last year income if I coming back to Japan and get the dependent visa? Or everything will be reset?

Thank you all in advance for your kindly support and help.
by Minerva (guest)  

Re: What happen to NHI after coming back 2019/5/23 10:50
City hall will have the record from you last year, so if you move back into the same household, they will probably be calculating the premium based on last yearfs income. You could ask for reductions due to unemployment?
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: What happen to NHI after coming back 2019/5/23 12:48
since you are a spouse of your husband, he and you are registered in the same address with a relationship of marriage.
you remove your registration, when you leave Japan. when you return, you will be re-registered in the same place where you were there as a spouse of him. that is the meaning of Z–―“o˜^, jyumin-touroku, address registration.

when you return with a temporary status, you have no insurance until you get a residential status (also, you can't register the address.)

when you remove the address registration, it means you have an official record that you don't live together for one month. it sometimes makes a future disadvantage for the renewal (when either one becomes a dependent).

I think you are thinking a nasty trick, but you have to consider when it does not work. I am afraid that you may create another trouble by yourself.

since you don't show your situation in detailed, in general, one(A) is working and another(B) is a student with low (or no) income. B is a dependent of A in health insurance. if so, when A quits a job, B loses health insurance and pension (both).
you may also search the word, ”CˆΣŒp‘±, nin'i-keizoku.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: What happen to NHI after coming back 2019/5/23 17:52
Thank you for all you replies.

I asked the city hall if I can get the exemption. They said for the health insurance, I might not get because I voluntarily quit job. But for the pension, they said I can apply for the exemption.

I'm just trying to decrease the expenses once I quit job. My husband is not dependent on my health insurance. He is on NHI and I am on EHI. The head of the household is my husband.

I'm afraid if I violate the rules by leaving and coming back to Japan just to avoid big amounts of expenses.

Do you think it's better to stay in Japan and change my visa into dependent visa? I don't plan to find job after quitting. I would like just to stay with my husband.

Thank you again..
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: What happen to NHI after coming back 2019/5/23 18:02
Forgot to tell that I have working visa and my husband has student visa. I'm quitting my job when my working visa is expired.
by Minerva (guest) rate this post as useful

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