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Is this translation correct?
2019/6/9 08:34
I have this sentence "本行きたいな", which supposed to mean "Wanna go to Japan". In my opinion, the translation is not correct. Maybe it is some kind of common language or slang I am not familiar with? Please, I need some help with the translation. I thank you in advance.
by Val (guest)
Re: Is this translation correct?
2019/6/9 14:35
No slang, just lost a kanji "日","日本" means Nihon or Nippon = Japan. Only "本" means "book" mainly, but this 本 means "origin". "な(na)" is emphasis, women/ladies using "わ(wa)" usual. "日本へ行きたい" is standard Japanese. This へ(e, not he) means "to", に(ni) also possible and not unusual.
by Yamaton (guest)
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Re: Is this translation correct?
2019/6/9 15:53
I agree with the other poster. If it were 日本行きたいな it would make sense even without the へ
by Uco
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