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Is our dream to study in Japan possible?
2019/6/11 10:19
Hello, my name is Dan and I am 17 years old. I currently study at college in the UK.
I won't cramp in a long story of how this all came to be, I'll just get straight to it.
My friend and I are planning on studying at a university in Japan in October 2021. When we leave the UK for Japan, we will bring roughly £35,000 GBP with us (approx. \4.8M at the time of writing this with £1 = \137.66). We plan to stay in university accommodation for the first year then rent an apartment for the final three years.
Admission fee = \564,000 (for both of us = \1,128,000) Tuition fee = \520,800 (for both of us = \1,041,600 x 4 years = \4,166,400)
I've worked out that we will spend approx £22,000 of our £35,000 in the first year overall.
If we both get part-time jobs at minimum wage and work all 28 hours a week, we should earn \172,928 per month.
My main question is: With all of this in mind, will we be able to live comfortably for the whole 4 years and not miss a university payment?
by Danstr
Re: Is our dream to study in Japan possible?
2019/6/11 15:48
First of All, Welcome to Japan. IF we citizens of third world country can study in Japan, Then why you can't? At first,Try for scholarship. Some of university provide 100%Tuition reduction. So your 4 years Tuition is 0 Yen.Now accommodation: If you share with your friends, then cost will be half.Now transportation: You can buy 1 months pass known as Teikiken.And it's cheaper, then 1 way journey. Now food: I eat unlimited food in buffet restaurant for 1000 yen.And you can give a Try.Good luck
by khan (guest)
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Re: Is our dream to study in Japan possible?
2019/6/11 17:28
Where is your university located in Japan? Rent a apartment can be really expensive depending on the location. Also you are a student which does not make it easy to rent one.
Secondly finding a part time job is not a guarantee. The university may even not allow you to work, because the main focus is study. This you should check with the university.
another factor is your Japanese skill. If you want to find work you need to speak some certain level.
by justmyday
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Re: Is our dream to study in Japan possible?
2019/6/11 18:05
Have you thought of going to a normal university in your home country and then completing a semester overseas??
Also note that completing a degree is meant to help you get a job later in life. I don't see any thought of this in your information. It might be there - but we can't read through the lines.
Living overseas is difficult - specifically if there are two of you together. I don't know if you are friends, family or in a relationship. Note that no longer getting along and also living overseas can cause significant stress when you no longer have an extended support network. This is why a semester abroad is a great taster instead of moving straight away......
I'm an international teacher who teaches in Asia (including Japan in the past).
by mfedley
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