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Wife and I want to move back to Japan 2019/6/20 08:19
I'll keep this short and snappy.

Been married with my wife for over 5 years.
I lived in Japan on a spousal visa a few years back.
Recently moved back to UK and my wife gave birth to our beautiful daughter.
Daughter has dual citizenship.
I have no degree.
Wife and parents are on extremely bad terms.

it's to my understanding that I need a guarantor to be eligible for a spousal visa but as my wife is unemployed living here with me in the UK she can't do it.

Are we stuck here? Is there any way of tatting back to Japan together?
by Andrew Tucker (guest)  

Re: Wife and I want to move back to Japan 2019/6/20 14:05
You need to have somebody who can financial support you.
If you have no guarantor in anyway than it would be difficult.

I do not know well but maybe you can put your parents.
This you should consult with the immigration office.

by justmyday rate this post as useful

Re: Wife and I want to move back to Japan 2019/6/21 07:47
Don't want to debate your personal business, but things might change between your wife and her parents now they have a grandchild. I'd work on trying to repair this relationship. Most grandparents want to be in their grandchildren's lives.
by Kersy rate this post as useful

Re: Wife and I want to move back to Japan 2019/6/21 08:32
Yeah I understand that Kersey! It's no problem. Parents were very abusive and contact is the last thing we all want.

Im probably best talking with a lawyer but I thought I'd try my luck on this forum first just to get some general thoughts.

Is it possible to transfer from a tourist to a spousal visa?
If I could go over as a tourist first, my wife could get employment and I could transfer that way.
by Andrew Tucker (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Wife and I want to move back to Japan 2019/6/21 08:59
Andrew I think your last comment is the best way forward with your wife getting employment and actually being your guarantor. She is Japanese so that is the easiest and safest way. Yes I believe that you can change from a tourist visa to a spousal, and after all you have been married 5 years so the marriage will be seen as stable and not a sham.

Just a little thought from a older person, people say a lot of hurtful things out of fear and lack of understanding, but I say gently, gently, and you might be surprised that this new little person will help heal rifts that adults can't. You are wanting to bring this child up in the Japanese culture.
by Kersy rate this post as useful

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