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Small art museums Tokyo suburbs, near Tokyo 2019/7/10 01:52
There are tons of small art museums in the suburbs of Tokyo and around Tokyo, hard to find everything.
Any recommendations?
Example of a must visit for me is the Hiroshi Senju Museum (building is AMAZING, also the art of waterfalls if you like the style).

by daniel (guest)  

Re: Small art museums Tokyo suburbs, near Tokyo 2019/7/10 13:12
including larger ones, but 200 art museums are listed.

art museum = 美術館 bijutsu-kan 美術(art)+館(house)

Alsouse this, but including 博物館 hakubutsu-kan, seems over 1700 total.
総合 : general
歴史・民俗 : history and local culture
自然 : nature
理工 : Science and engineering
美術 : art
植・動・水 : 植物 plants(=garden), 動物 animal(=zoo), 水生生物(fishes mainly =aquarium)
文学 : literature, books
テーマ :(specific rare) theme
その他 : others

検索 : search

関東 : Kanto (region name, including Tokyo as pref of 47), see the map.
by GA (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Small art museums Tokyo suburbs, near Tokyo 2019/7/10 14:29
The Grutto Pass covers free admission to over 70 museums and other attractions, and it's a nice way to explore some out-of-the-way places. There are a lot of small museums where you might not want to pay Y500 or Y800 to get in, but free admission makes it an easy decision. The pass is Y2200 and it's good for two months: https://whereintokyo.com/dbinx/grutto.html
by Umami Dearest rate this post as useful

Re: Small art museums Tokyo suburbs, near Tokyo 2019/7/10 15:51
Not hard to find if you open up something like Google maps on a section of Tokyo and type in "art museum". There are a lot - about a dozen within five miles of where I am in western Tokyo. If I just listed "museums" there are even more - walked past one yesterday near the noodle shop I was trying (Hijikata Toshizo Museum is a bit obscure and niche, but the person I was with knew about the history).
Depending on the level of "zoom" you use, you will get more or less per mile. You might even want to be more specific in the type of art you are looking for.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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