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Nagano questions 2019/7/14 19:56
Hello everyone!!!

I am planning to visit Nagano in winter (February, for the city and Snow Monkeys).

And I have a few questions. Is it possible to visit the Kagami Pond/Lake and Togakushi area in February? Too much snow? Are there any buses available during that month?

I've read about Togakushi Kogen Free Kippu. Where can I buy this special fare ticket?

I'm planning to do a Matsumoto day-trip from Nagano. Since I am going to buy the JR East Nagano-Niigata Area Pass, I wanted to ask if the LTD. EXP. (WIDE VIEW) SHINANO from Nagano to Matsumoto is covered by the pass, or will I have to take the JR SHINONOI LINE instead?

Thank you all! Excited to visit Japan again!
by catiasmteixeira  

Re: Nagano questions 2019/7/15 15:33

if the LTD. EXP. (WIDE VIEW) SHINANO from Nagano to Matsumoto is covered by the pass
by .. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Nagano questions 2019/7/16 09:43
And I have a few questions. Is it possible to visit the Kagami Pond/Lake and Togakushi area in February? Too much snow? Are there any buses available during that month?
Last time I visited Togakushi in February there was a lot of snow, but the roads were clear - I was travelling by car at the time (not a rental), so I don't see any reason why the buses would not be running - they keep going for places like the monkeys in the snow.
If you do visit, expect a lot of snow - there was 1-2 meters when I was there. The ninja museum was shut and there were a few people snow-shoeing up to the shine.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Nagano questions 2019/7/16 09:48
Thank you!!! Must be very beautiful in winter! Can't wait!
by catiasmteixeira rate this post as useful

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