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Anime-related orchestras and concerts 2019/8/16 01:28
I saw these two videos https://youtu.be/w0yXutDkP_c and https://youtu.be/BdNksb9Rtic and was wondering if I can find anything similar?

I'm planning a visit to Japan in November so I'm interested to know more about it,
Is there any place I can search for upcoming anime-related orchestras and concerts like this?
by あり (guest)  

Re: Anime-related orchestras and concerts 2019/8/18 21:13
1st one is amateur music club orchestra,
2nd one is very famous professional composer "Jo Hisaishi",
so quite big different as theme of concert, but nothing in next Nov both.

Anison : アニソン
orchestra : オーケストラ
concert : コンサート or 演奏会
live : ライブ
Nov : 11月
2019 : 2019年
cover : カバー (song cover, as copy)
by ENOZ (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Anime-related orchestras and concerts 2019/8/19 04:30
Oh, I see, that's unfortunate.
Thank you for the information.
by あり (guest) rate this post as useful

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