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Kumamoto bus terminal 2019/9/4 09:43
I will be taking the Kyushu Odan bus from Kumamoto to Beppu. It is stated that the bus terminal from Kumamoto is at platform no.26. May I confirm if this bus stop is at Kumamoto bus terminal itself? Can you please give directions or nearest landmark to this bus stop no.26?
by Evey (guest)  

Re: Kumamoto bus terminal 2019/9/4 13:22
by . (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Kumamoto bus terminal 2019/9/5 05:38
Kumamoto Bus Terminal is Kumamoto Kotsu Center. It's just south of the castle. The bus starts at Kumamoto Station, but if you're downtown the bus terminal is a better place.
by Anaguma (guest) rate this post as useful

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