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Ramen cooking class in wither Kyoto or Osaka 2019/9/8 21:23
Would like to ask for recommendations for ramen or Okonomiyaki cooking class in either cities. Thank you.
by lseehk  

Re: Ramen cooking class in wither Kyoto or Osaka 2019/9/9 18:12
There is Nara Cookery School in Ikoma, really nice and personal home-cooking experience.
by girlwithpearl (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ramen cooking class in wither Kyoto or Osaka 2019/9/10 06:25
I do not have any experience in this, but a well known gaijin ramen blogger took a ramen making class in Osaka. He has the details and FAQ at the end of the blog.
by Taco Grande rate this post as useful

Re: Ramen cooking class in either Kyoto or Osaka 2019/9/15 23:48
Apologies for the late reply and many thanks for the suggestions. I managed to find a ramen class in Gion through Cookly.
by lseehk rate this post as useful

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