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How do I say I want to open a bank account?
2019/9/9 17:10
I need to open a Japanese bank account with JP Post in order to receive my scholarship money. How do I say that I want to open a bank account?
by Ana アナ (guest)
Re: How do I say I want to open a bank account?
2019/9/9 19:10
- Kouza wo kaisetsu shitai desu. Kouza = account Kaisetsu suru/shimasu = to open (an account)
If they want to know what kind of account, or what you want to use it for, you might just say: - Futsuu kouza (Ordinary account) - Shougakukin no uketori ni tukaimasu. (I will use it to receive scholarship money)
by AK
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Re: How do I say I want to open a bank account?
2019/9/9 20:22
Note: your account will initially have some restrictions, for example you will not be able to transfer funds to accounts at other banks, or use Internet banking. You can "unlock" those features (送金機能) after you have lived in Japan for 6 months.
by ... (guest)
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Re: How do I say I want to open a bank account?
2019/9/10 05:44
Thank you!
Those restrictions will be fine; thanks for letting me know.
by Ana アナ (guest)
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