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Kabuki, Rakugo, Noh recommended experiences 2019/9/30 07:54
I'll be in Japan next month and two experiences I'd like to have while in Tokyo is to watch, Kabuki, Rakugo and Noh performances. I have searched where I could find them in the city and I've researched quite a lot of places in the city:

- Kabuki-za
- The National Theatre of Japan
- Suehirotei
- Asakusa Engei Hall
- Suzutomo Entertainment Hall
- Meiji-za
- Noh National Theatre
- Shinbashi Enbujo

Having no translation devices available is no hindrance to me (in fact, I am looking for an experience where I can actually focus on the nuances of language and body expression from these Japanese art forms).

For anyone who has experienced any of those forms, what do you recommend, both in terms of what should one pay attention to in each type as well as which of these places provide the best instances of Kabuki, Rakugo and Noh for someone interested in these art forms, but who has no experience whatsoever with them?
by mepqfilho  

Re: Kabuki, Rakugo, Noh recommended experiences 2019/9/30 08:19
I went to Kabuki-za in Tokyo and really enjoyed it. But I did take the English subtitles.

Regarding Noh, I once went to a special event at a temple in Tokyo (Zojoji), without any subtitles, and found it extremly boring. Nothing much happens on the stage. Even my parents found it quite boring.

I can't speak to Rakugo, but if you have a chance to see Bunraku, I enjoyed that a lot in Osaka about a year ago. I used English headset then.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Kabuki, Rakugo, Noh recommended experiences 2019/9/30 18:06
Bunraku is probably one of the easier ones to follow - specifically with the large number of times. Note that I would choose the shorter ones as many of these plays can go for hours....
by mfedley rate this post as useful

Re: Kabuki, Rakugo, Noh recommended experiences 2019/10/1 13:11
I don't know this is what you are seeking.

by biwakoman rate this post as useful

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