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Counting with man, sen and issen 2019/10/19 19:47
hello, im learing to count now in Japanese and i'm a bit confused.
i learned all my numbers and kanji for them.
where i get stuck is with the 10,000 and 11,000 part of the counting.

i dont understand how to count it with the use of the issen (1000)

so for exmp.
11,613 will be? 一万一千六百十三  = ichiman issen roppyaku juu san ?
10,875 will be? 一万八百七十五  = ichiman happyaku nana juu go ?

thank you very much for taking the time to replay.

Re: Counting with man, sen and issen 2019/10/20 08:32
Yes. That is correct.
by Ichiman (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Counting with man, sen and issen 2019/10/20 09:54
Issen 一千、means “one thousand “ not a generic “thousand “

So in the case of 10,333 you only have “ichiman... and then sanbyakusan” but as ichiman already means 10,000 there is no need to express the Position of the thousand. Think of it like in English for 1,000,050. You would say “one million fifty” and it is clear that there is only 0 between the first 1 and the 50 at the end. And it’s clear that there are 4 zeros between the 1 and the 5. So the same concept in Japanese. Ichiman is comparable (linguistically) to 1 million.

Hope this helps

Enjoy learning Japanese.

Btw, mostly numbers in Japanese are written not in kanji. At least something like 一万一千三百五十 you would rarely find in kanji.

Some restaurants use kanji for their price, but there we are normally talking about prices in the thousand or even hundred range, temples may use it for donations, but that would normally be rounder numbers, like maybe 三万円 and actually temples often use different (more complex kanji’s) for numbers. Eg 参萬圓 for 30,000 Yen.
But that use is pretty much secluded to temples and the like. And while I think that Japanese can read it, it’s highly unlikely you’ll ever see it outside of the lists (publicly displayed) that show who gave how much money to the temple.
by LikeBike (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Counting with man, sen and issen 2019/10/26 05:31
While that is correct in terms of writing it out in kanji, when read 1000 is read just as just sen, not issen, the same as jyuu and hyaku and unlike man and oku where you explicitly read the 'ichi'.

11111 is read ichiman sen hyaku jyuu ichi
22222 is read niman nisen nihyaku nijyuu ni
by gfoulk rate this post as useful

Re: Counting with man, sen and issen 2019/10/26 05:53
Correcting myself: sen is a a bit borderline whether 1 is explicitly stated it impled, in both writing and in speech. Typically impled is more common, particularly in speech. Issen isn't incorrect though in the way it would be with hyaku.

I would guess this is probably a relatively modern development in the evolution of the language, as larger numbers became more commonplace.
by gfoulk rate this post as useful

Re: Counting with man, sen and issen 2019/10/26 07:12
I thank you all for deducting time to reply my question
Now i am more confident with my continuing.
And understand the use of the issen sen and man.
Thank you very much
by Platowdama (guest) rate this post as useful

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