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Visit Shibu Onsen in the evening in December? 2019/11/1 17:51
Is it suitable to visit Shibu Onsen from 6pm onwards in December? Will restaurants and shops be opened? We are planning to visit Snow Monkeys in the morning and Ryuoo Ski Park in the afternoon.
by Jess (guest)  

Re: Visit Shibu Onsen in the evening in December? 2019/11/2 00:52
I stayed overnight there in April two years ago. I walked around the town before dinner and for a short while after dinner (it was very chilly). I don't recall seeing too many shops or restaurants open.
by nealson rate this post as useful

Re: Visit Shibu Onsen in the evening in December? 2019/11/2 01:52
Shibu Onsen is a small village.

I went in February and there was in the evening at least one restaurant to which I actually went twice, because the karaage was fabulous.

Apart from that maybe there was one more restaurant or so. Regarding shops I donft remember any. Probably some small ones, but itfs not a place for shopping.

I did enjoy Shibu Onsen in the evening but also because I was staying in town and for this access to the onsen. Which was really nice to do some onsen hopping.
by LikeBike (guest) rate this post as useful

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