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Nikko - Kinugawa Onsen - Grand Maze Palladium 2019/11/24 02:06
i saw that the Grand Maze Palladium is located just across the way from Nikko Edomura.
I don't understand if that is OUTSIDE of the EDO WONDERING NIKKO EDOMURA and so i can just go to the Maze spot or if i need to pay the ticket for the other park (4700 Yen!) and after i can access to the maze.

Thanks in advance,
by LucaMasno  

Re: Nikko - Kinugawa Onsen - Grand Maze Palladium 2019/11/24 08:53
They are two completely separate attractions. Separate location (although nearby). Separate admission fees.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Nikko - Kinugawa Onsen - Grand Maze Palladium 2019/11/25 21:03
Thank you very much!

Have a nice day !
by LucaMasno rate this post as useful

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