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Payment public transport in Tohoku (BRT) 2020/1/4 19:36
This March I'm traveling around in Tohoku (Kamaishi-Ōfunato-Kesennuma-Ishinomaki-Sendai).

I will probably buy a East-South Hokkaido pass. On the days where the fare is cheap (770 yen or 1200 yen or something) I'm going to pay outta my pocket and use my pass on the shinkansen trips (I'm coming from Tokyo and returning there but will go to Akita first)

The 7 days JR pass won't make sense, my return trip is not within 7 days.

Anyways, it's going to be a mix of some local lines and BRT. Do both of these accept IC cards (Suica or some specific Tohoku one?) or do I need to prepare cash (BRT)/buy single tickets (train)?

I'm talking about JR Kesennuma or JR Ishinomaki line

Thank you in advance.

by Asahana (guest)  

Re: Payment public transport in Tohoku (BRT) 2020/1/5 07:03
The BRT accepts the 10 nationwide IC card, including Suica (plus its own IC card that is - unfortunately - not very easy to get) along its entire length.

Train lines close to Sendai also accept IC cards; however, further away they do not, in which case you have to use paper tickets. Here is a coverage map:
(can't find an English one)

Apart from the BRT section, the JR Ishinomaki and Kesennuma Lines are not covered. You have to use paper tickets. One exception: you can travel between Ishinomaki and Kogota (but cannot use any station along the way).
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Payment public transport in Tohoku (BRT) 2020/1/7 17:57
Thank you so much for your comprehensive answer!
by Asahana (guest) rate this post as useful

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