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Taking my sugar glider in and out of japan 2020/1/12 18:18
I live in japan and would like to take my sugar glider that I bought in japan to the states for a short period of time and back but Ifm wondering if I have to do something for quarantine in the process or if itfs ok because it was from the country.
by Heidizea  

Re: Taking my sugar glider in and out of japan 2020/1/13 09:32
Please check with the authorities:

by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Taking my sugar glider in and out of japan 2020/1/13 16:15
As I had no idea what a gsugar gliderh is , I looked it up on Wikipedia. And it says that it is prohibited in the US:

So check that out.
by LikeBike (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Taking my sugar glider in and out of japan 2020/1/14 10:08
Why would you want to bring an animal short time to America and back to Japan.
This is only stressful and not healthy for the animal.
If you are going for a short period, ask someone to take care of the animal. There are also pet hotels.
by justmyday rate this post as useful

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