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Translating to Japanese
2020/2/23 10:40
Hi guys! Could someone help to translate "Steep Mountain" or "High Mountain" or "Arduous Mountain" or "Leather Mountain" in Japanese? Am trying to think of a business name in Japanese! Thanks in advance :)
by teejaysee
Re: Translating to Japanese
2020/2/25 15:42
1/ Literal translations in an easy and ordinary Japanese are: "Steep Mountain" 急な山(きゅうなやま) "High Mountain" 高い山(たかいやま) "Arduous Mountain" 厳しい山(きびしいやま)
[I am sorry I can’t understand what kind of mountain this is: "Leather Mountain”(皮の山)] Is it some vulgar or slang word?
2/ Similar expressions as above are possible in an easy Japanese like: 険しい山(けわしいやま) *険しき山(けわしきやま) 厳しい山(きびしいやま) *厳し山(きびしきやま) 厳しい峰(きびしいみね) *厳しき峰(きびしきみね)etc. [Those with * are somehow classical, so sound a little high-toned.]
3/ But, all Japanese expressions above seem too plain to be used as a business name, though I don’t know what kind of business you are trying to set up. So, if you hope, you could use combined kanji nouns which already exist like: 峻岳(しゅんがく) 険山(けんざん) 峻嶺(しゅんれい) 峻峰(しゅんぽう) or, you can use these nouns: 峻険(しゅんけん) 険峻(けんしゅん) 嶮岨(けんそ) and add 嶺(れい)or 峰(ほう、ぽう)or 山(さん)to one of these nouns. 険峻嶺(けんしゅんれい)for example sounds good... All above sound high-toned.
Anyway, your question is too vague to answer suitably to your need.
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