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Donating food to homeless people? 2020/2/26 21:07
I have a question towards homeless people in Japan:
Currently I am staying in Osaka near Tennoji, thatfs why I see many homeless people every day.
Even if itfs not common but can I donate some food to them? Yesterday I got some gpresentsh (mostly basic food) and I canft eat it all; I thought about giving it to homeless people because I donft want to throw it away. Is this okay or would the homeless people not take it? And what can I say to them while giving?
Thank you in advance!
by Julfinchen (guest)  

Re: Donating food to homeless people? 2020/2/27 13:54
There is no law saying you cannot.
As long as the package is closed and does not to be kept under special conditions, you can try to give.
If their reaction is ending with a smile you did something good.
by justmyday rate this post as useful

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