Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

Note that this thread has not been updated in a long time, and its content might not be up-to-date anymore.

Hitsujiyama Park after Golden Week in May 2020/3/5 15:37

Do you think it will be too late for the carpet garden?
Anyone what else can I see or do there during May?
Any nice treks or nearby attractions that won't cost too much to add in ?
Thank you.
by Solo60  

Re: Hitsujiyama Park after Golden Week in May 2020/3/5 16:38
Watch official blooming info and Corona virus news.
by Grace (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Hitsujiyama Park after Golden Week in May 2020/3/5 16:40
Are you referring to the pink moss?
Here is the link to past photos with dates:
by ....... (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Hitsujiyama Park after Golden Week in May 2020/3/6 19:40
Yes, I am referring to that bit wonder whether it's expected to finish earlier or later this year compared to last year.
by Solo60 rate this post as useful

Re: Hitsujiyama Park after Golden Week in May 2020/3/25 00:45
I don't think it ever lasts much after Golden Week. It always seems to peak at the end of April.
They will post pictures again this year, I'm sure, so you can just visit the website daily and decide if what is there will be worth going to see.
by Rabbityama rate this post as useful

Re: Hitsujiyama Park after Golden Week in May 2020/3/26 11:11
Have you even looked at the link above? They have dates with the photos.

For 2020, they already began showing photos of gcolors coming out/soon to bloomh on March 19.
In the past (if you check the earlier yearsf photos), the earliest I saw them post photos of gbeginning to bloomh photo was March 25th or so.
In any case, they donft stay around that long after the Golden Week.
by ... (guest) rate this post as useful

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