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Okuma Beach Iriguchi bus stop 2020/3/7 07:35
Hello, I'm looking for an answer, I've try a lot of places but can't find it !
I'll be in Okinawa for 3 days of travels, staying at Naha, so it's perfect for the Okinawa bus pass, that I'll take for sure.
But I want to go to the Hiji falls, and I know from this site that I have to stop at the Okuma Beach Iriguchi bus stop. When I look at the Okinawa pass website, it says that the north of Okinawa is out of reach of this pass, but there is no precise indication about where it stops. And from the map on the site, it's more or less where the bus stop is, which get me puzzled. Is that round trip covered or not ? Anyone has any experience with this ?
by Audrey-anne (guest)  

Re: Okuma Beach Iriguchi bus stop 2020/3/7 20:37
When I look at the Okinawa pass website, it says that the north of Okinawa is out of reach of this pass, but there is no precise indication about where it stops.

I also couldn't find the precise information, but as far as I read, it states "Includes all Ryukyu, Okinawa, Naha and Toyo bus lines." On the other hand you can check the bus service from Naha to Okuma Beach Iriguchi.

As you see, the bus lines listed are by Ryukyu or Okinawa bus, so I think these routes are covered by the bus pass.

And from the map on the site, it's more or less where the bus stop is, which get me puzzled. Is that round trip covered or not ? Anyone has any experience with this ?

This is the "pass" so it should be unlimited rides during the validity period.

By the way, it will take more than 3 hours from Naha to Okuma, and then you must walk almost 1 hour to the fall. I think you might better consider some nearer place to stay, such as Nago or Motobu where the famous aquarium and castle ruin are. You can check the bus route using the "bus navigation system" I posted above.

Enjoy planning and have a nice trip!
by frog1954 rate this post as useful

Re: Okuma Beach Iriguchi bus stop 2020/3/9 01:03
Busnavi-Okinawa .com Naha to destination=3180 yen by ryukyu bus
by Jen (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Okuma Beach Iriguchi bus stop 2020/3/9 01:54
thank you frog :D Don't worry, that's plenty of time to visit, I have checked the schedule, leaving at 10h in the morning i'll be back at 21h while taking a short stop for dinner at nago on the way back :) Do you have any suggestion of something to do or see at Nago while i'm at it ? For Motobu i'm already going to some castle ruins the day before, and I have seen enough aquarium in my life to know that I won't be enjoying it ^^'

Jen : Why are you anwering a question no one asked ? oO I know plenty which buses I should take, thank you ^^'
by Audrey-anne (guest) rate this post as useful

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