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AO admission and general admission?
2020/4/16 12:13
Hi, I'm researching different vocational schools in Japan rn and I keep seeing these two terms pop up. What is the difference between them?
by Guest (guest)
Re: AO admission and general admission?
2020/4/16 21:58
Ao admission means Admission office Admission/nyuushi.You can enter as a 3rd year student or by credit transfer by admission office.
by Jo (guest)
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Re: AO admission and general admission?
2020/4/17 00:04
Generally speaking, AO admission is an entrance exam of maybe interview and some kind of creative expression such as a presentation or an essay. Meanwhile general admission is the old-fashioned entrance exam that typically consists of 2 to 5 or so subjects among English (as a foreign language), Japanese (as a subject), Math, Social Science subject and Science subject. If you look closer into the school websites, you will probably find more details.
by Uco
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