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How to help Japanese learners 2020/6/8 09:31
I want to help someone who studies Japanese. But I don't know the way well though I tryed.
Do you know the way or any applications that can help Japanese study or Japanese larners?
I saw many people who study Japanese hard but I couldn't give them hand before.
Now I can ,so please tell me if you know.
thank you for reading.
by meg29  

Re: How to help Japanese learners 2020/6/8 10:28
Are you working in a company and want to help your colleague(s) get by better with everyday Japanese, or do you want to give them real grammar lessons?

You might want to read up on textbooks for learners of the Japanese language to see how the language is presented/explained to speakers of other languages. What is easy for native speakers may not be easy for non-native speakers of the language, and the Japanese grammar is presented in a different way to learners from the way it is presented to locals. This also will help you to find out what they are struggling with.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: How to help Japanese learners 2020/6/8 18:24

Depending on who you want to teach and what for, you also have the option to contact your city hall to see if there are any non-profit groups teaching Japanese to foreign residents who may not necessarily speak English.

I hope this information may help you.
by Uco rate this post as useful

Re: How to help Japanese learners 2020/6/8 22:04
by meg29 rate this post as useful

Re: How to help Japanese learners 2020/6/12 02:29
As someone who struggles a lot, I'd love to have someone who can converse with me and point out my mistakes. And when they listen to you talk, they'll be able to learn what sounds natural, and what doesn't.

Texting and chatting on the internet using kanji can help them a lot, too. The more they see a kanji being used in a life situation, the easier it is for them to remember and recognize it.

Basically: talking to them helps their listening and speaking. Texting/chatting helps reading and writing.
by ForeverN3 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to help Japanese learners 2020/6/29 17:19

I studied Japanese with Cactus Language before I went to Japan and I found them really helpful! They offer courses at different lengths and all levels :)

They are currently doing a free taster lesson in Japanese so you should definitely consider them! Here's the link https://www.languagecoursesuk.co.uk/free-japanese-trial-lesson/

Hope this helps!
by Cher (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to help Japanese learners 2020/7/15 16:47
If you are interested, I am building a website with free Japanese grammar, kanji and vocabulary lessons adapted to the five levels of the JLPT.
It is under construction but a big part of the pages are online. Please have a look if you want to learn Japanese with these materials.

The link is the following one : https://jlptmatome.com
by Louis (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to help Japanese learners 2020/7/19 08:55
Louis, your site is excellent
Are you planning on adding kanji lists for n2 and n1?
I can see you've worked so hard on this site. Thank you!
by Shelly (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to help Japanese learners 2020/8/10 05:58
Wow this is really helpful, Luis!! I'm learning kanji right now & its sooo hard!!
by Rina (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to help Japanese learners 2020/8/17 09:57
1. Pronounce it Perfectly in Japanese
Hatsuon / pronunciation practice.

Get this done asap!
The longer one waits to speak Japanese correctly, the longer it'll take to understand it when heard. Plus, it's really difficult to figure out what foreigners are saying when they have poor pronunciation.

2. Hiragana/katagana
Second most important.
Get them off English alphabet as soon as possible.
Eg in english. They'll see zu and try to say it like an English word. Doesn't work. Wrong.

Use it to assist as little as possible.

3. https://www.erin.jpf.go.jp/
Videos used to cost, but the government now releases basic videos and books free.
Go through the lessons.
Thoroughly practice common phrases and structures.

Eg. They don't need to know at first how to write これはなんですか。 これはーーーです。 But they need to be able to ask and respond to survive and progress.

Erin ga chosen goes through all the basics (1st year college), so it's good practice.


Beyond that,
A. Vocabulary.
B. Sentence structures/grammar/particles
C. Kanji

A. First 1000 words in Japanese
501 japanese verbs
This is the most critical to get past the beginner stage.

Even something simple like
"Is the bank open on holidays?" is impossible to ask until they learn "holiday" in addition to "weekday", "weekend", and preferably the major Japanese holidays.

B. 700 essential phrases for japanese conversation
+ basic grammar (eg barrons japanese grammar) and particles books.

They really need to drill in automatic responses for daily life.
E.g. A text book might say "Do you want to dine-in or take out for your meal?"

But in reality, you might hear it shortened to "takeout?" and need to respond. (Second most common that'll get learners stuck at the checkout is "point card?")


Particles say a ton, so no way around this.
Wa, ga, o, ni, de.... Learn them early on.

Verbs can be a little more complex, so that can extended into year 2-4+.
Present, past, future, progressive to start.

C. Kanji
Mostly unnecessary today due to Google translate app doing pretty good, but in the long term to be useful as an adult, not tourist or spouse, a multi year thing.

Don't start with all the usual English kanji learner books - that'll mean they won't understand Japanese later on because they've missed out on years of meaning.

Sit them down with a basic grade 1-6 jyoyo kanji book like the Rainbow Kanji Jiten.
Isbn 4053009332 for my old copy, they have a new version.
The worst is when they learn from jlpt/English kanji books and everything's missing.

E.g. Why it's it sorted 愛案。。。 for 4th grade kanji? (There is a reason folks that kids in Japan learn it this way.)
Plus in english, the kanji 手 is often only defined as "hand" for learners.
They miss out on important uses Japanese pickup like 手術をする to operate on.

The missing mental connections for the language are tough to incorporate years later - best to learn them now and go slower picking up each kanji.

(Besides kids need 6 years for 1000~ so an adult trying to cram that in isn't going to learn well if they attempt 1-2 years unless it's a Full time job.)
by D (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to help Japanese learners 2020/8/17 10:16
App/software wise, tons for beginners for hiragana, words, but realistically grammar and speaking will need a native Japanese to correct mistakes and explain past the beginner stage (e.g. Babble type app).

E.g. Tsuku no ue/shita/mae/ ni pasucon desu.

An app can tell you when you've picked the wrong particle, give a canned explanation, but if the learner doesn't fully understand why, you need a teacher. Otherwise, years down the road, they might make simple mistakes because they don't fully grasp the language.

Like trying to dance on your own - very hard to see your own mistakes as a beginner.


Quite a few language exchange sites online, so you can find help without paying.


Most cities have language clubs for free.


Japanese will take 2-4 years to get to a high beginning-intermediate level, so don't expect sudden miracles. The biggest difference will be their vocabulary. Those that learn more words and verbs will do better even if weak in grammar because they understand everyone.

Eg. If you don't know "minimum" + "payment" in Japanese, how long will it take to understand your credit card bill? "Reload"+"suica". "Dine in or take out"
by D (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: How to help Japanese learners 2020/8/20 22:09
I am studying Japanese on my own with free online lessons from Japan. I am getting on although it's difficult but sometimes I can`t figure out a grammar problem for exemple. In this case it would be so much helpful to know a Japanese who could explain it in less than a minute. The online lessons don't provide any personal support. I am not so much confident in online language sites because the question is if it's a Japanese native speaker explaining it or not.
by Guest (guest) rate this post as useful

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