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Translation of a confusing text
2020/7/17 04:36
まあ 開眼 し た ばかり の ねがん 輪廻 眼 で ほう しゅうちゅう 術 を 放出 中 に 真姫 の 吸収 は でき ね ェ
Also is their any modifier to "Kaigan" in that sentence?
by Love every one (guest)
Re: Translation of a confusing text
2020/7/17 11:15
I guess it’s coming from an animation/manga of some sort – can you check to see if you got the text right? It’s a mix of hiragana and kanji (and some overlap) that I can’t make a decent guess at it.
It’s saying something along the line of: “well you’ve only just reached the level of Rinne-gan, and with that you can’t possibly do (something I cannot make sense of).”
And no, this まあ before “kaigan” is not a modifier to “kaigan,” but saying something like “well” “you know.”
by AK
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Re: Translation of a confusing text
2020/7/17 18:35
Thankyou. AK. Its from Naruto.
I think the part you can't make sense of is (absorb and release jutsu at the same time)
But what I need your help with is:
"only just reached the level of Rinnegan "...
can it be translated as "newly awakened Rinnegan" ? Or be translated as him being new to the Rinnegan skill-wise. The grammar is a tricky one
by Love every one (guest)
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Re: Translation of a confusing text
2020/7/18 13:27
I understood the first part to mean that “he’s/you’ve just awakened” but checking up on Naruto also understood the “Rinne-gan” to be a level you aspire to and reach, so just expressed it as “reached the level of….” So yes going more literally you can say “as just a recent awakened Rinnegan.” I would want to put in “just…” or “recent…” to emphasis the fact that he JUST got there (so that’s why he can’t yet perform all the magic/skills.
by AK
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Re: Translation of a confusing text
2020/7/18 22:56
Thanks for the coincise answer. That helped a lot
by Love every one (guest)
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