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Confused by this sentence 2020/9/13 17:49

So what I understand is: I've heard that our body temperature decreases by one degree for every 1 m/s (?) of wind.

I'm not sure if what I wrote even makes sense, either... This windchill index thing is very confusing to me. Please suggest a more correct and natural-sounding translation if possible.

Thanks in advance! :)
by Shallnotbenamed (guest)  

Re: Confused by this sentence 2020/9/14 13:37
No, it's not the body temperature, but the temperature that the body feels.
I'm not good at English, so I used translation, but is that okay?
by Kaz Ishy rate this post as useful

Re: Confused by this sentence 2020/9/14 15:20
Probably it should be (just a minor correction about in the middle:

As the above poster mentioned, 体感温度 is the temperature that the body feels (as if it was), even though the thermometer says otherwise, due to wind chill factor added in. I’ve seen expressions like “feels-like temperature” or “RealFeel temperature” (from a certain US weather forecasting company).

- I’ve heard that 1-meter wind brings down the feels-like temperature by 1 degree.

So a 5-meter wind speed would bring it down by 5 degrees. And if it was originally Japanese text, this “degree” would most likely be degrees C by the way.

by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Confused by this sentence 2020/9/14 19:01
Thanks for your explanation, you two.

This is honestly the first time I've heard of this "feels-like temperature" thing, lol. Is that really 1-meter and not 1-mile/hour?
- I've heard that our windchill temperature decreases by 1C for each 1-meter wind.
Does this have the same meaning?
by Shallnotbenamed (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Confused by this sentence 2020/9/14 21:03
When we talk about wind speed in Japan it’s meter per second.

Different countries do different adjustments to come up with the temperature it “feels” like - humidity and wind factors. So I am not sure if there is an exact match, but you probably could call it “windchill temperature.”
by AK rate this post as useful

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