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Understanding de and ni particles
2020/12/2 18:15
a: nodo ga kawakimashita ne. b: ee nani ka nomitai desu ne. a: asoko de nanika nomimasen ka b: ee soo, shimashyoo
this is the conversation among two people and i would like to understand as to why de particle is used here (tell briefleyl) and if possible pls do explain me more about de and ni particle because i am very confused when to use what with places. pls reply asap
by saime (guest)
Re: Understanding de and ni particles
2020/12/3 11:51
So you are asking about the difference between g(place) nih and g(place) deh with verbs? Very briefly: - [Place] de = ginh a place. You do something ginh or gath a place. - [Place] ni = gtoh/hintoh a place. There is a sense of movement.
For example: - Mainichi gakkoo de benkyoo shimasu. (Every day I study gin/ath school.) - Basu de gakkoo ni ikimasu. (I go gtoh school by bus.)
So in that conversation, - Asoko gdeh nanika nomimasen kah Is saying gwhy donft we/shall we drink something THERE?h meaning gdrink AT that place.h (Imagine you will be sitting or standing ginh a place as you drink.) Person b could have answered this way (instead of the last line.) - Ee, soo shimashyoo. Asoko "ni" ikimasyoo. (Yes, letfs do that. Letfs go there.) (Imagine the action of GOING/WALKING there, so there is a sense of direction/movement.)
by AK
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