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How can I live in Japan for 1 year 2021/9/3 07:41
I have wanted to travel to Japan for as long as I can remember. Now that I'm grown and my husband and I both have remote jobs, there's no real reason why we couldn't go to Japan and spend a year there, keeping our normal jobs while traveling. We also invest in real estate so ideally we would purchase a property, live in it for a year, then keep it as an investment. From my research, it seems there's no problem with a foreigner buying property, however staying for a year seems to be the question mark. We are from the USA. Is there any way of doing this? It would be an absolute dream come true.

by Rachel (guest)  

Re: How can I live in Japan for 1 year 2021/9/3 13:52
Since you donft gneed to beh in Japan, I donft think there is any visa category that would allow you do to this – the only option(s) I can see available to US citizens would be (1) Temporary Visitor visa – up to 3 months per entry – or (2) long-term holiday makerfs visa – up to 1 year, with some conditions on savings that you need to show. I am not famliiar with the tax implications while on this visa.
(Please note that this is different from Working Holiday visa, which is not available to US citizens.)

About real estate, while it should be no problem to purchase a piece as foreigners, keeping and maintaining it would need some local administrator, which would cost some money, and (though it depends on the property) real estate in Japan tends to devalue considerably over time, so I would not really recommend owning something for living just for one year.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: How can I live in Japan for 1 year 2021/9/3 16:58
Please see this discussion about property:
by sullon rate this post as useful

Re: How can I live in Japan for 1 year 2021/9/4 07:48
You can come for four periods of 90 days and get most of the year on the temporary permit (visa waiver programme) as you are not "working" in Japan - that has a specific meaning. And, yes, you could also buy a house/apartment/property, but once you leave Japan, things like bank accounts will get closed (usually) so that will make the logistics of keeping the property and receiving income from it more difficult.
But, the other point you will need to factor in is your tax liability to the Japan Government as you will be "tax resident" after 183 days (out of 365) and need to pay local income tax on your global income. Also, as you are from the US you have some quite strict IRS reporting requirements and some bank restrictions - but I am far from an expert on that, so you should get professional advice on that.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

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