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Ishigaki Snorkelling 2022/3/16 08:38

Am heading back to Ishigaki for a little trip. (It has been TOO long!) Would normally just pop to a local beach and swim out alone but...

Any recommended snorkeling tour operators out there? There are so many to choose from!


by bigpaulc  

Re: Ishigaki Snorkelling 2022/3/20 05:02
I can't say which diving shop is "better" than another - but they should have the latest info on the high/low tides, wind conditions and currents. Make sure you use lots of sunscreen, and drink lots of water before and after snorkeling to prevent dehydration. And look out for habu jellyfish. Never snorkel alone. I had an old college classmate years ago who just went swimming alone (not in Japan). Something went terribly wrong, and he drowned.
Yonehara Beach is one of the better places - but the currents can be extremely strong at times. If you're in luck, you can see a lot of sea turtles.

by Ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Ishigaki Snorkelling 2022/3/22 10:02
Cheers Ken,

I appreciate your concern. Have done a fair bit of snorkelling around the Yaeyama isles. I'll be careful. Was just hoping for a specific recommendation.

I'll keep an eye out.

Thank you.
by bigpaulc rate this post as useful

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