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Yakushima - how green in November? 2022/9/3 04:05
Hi all

I am provisionally putting together an itinerary for a 2 week trip in November 2023. I am planning to see a lot of autumn colours in other parts of Japan during this time, however I have fallen in love with the looks of the lush, green, mossy forests of Yakushima.

In particular we would like to hike the ‎Shiratani Unsuikyo perhaps as a guided tour. I am keen to visit this area when it is mossy and green, does it remain green year round, even in the autumn? How green is this forest in the autumn/November time and is this an advisable time to go? I have seen that some things shut in Yakushima in November so am concerned that we might get a bit stuck in terms of places to eat etc.

Thank you in advance for any responses
by Boney (guest)  

Re: Yakushima - how green in November? 2022/9/3 13:02
It's green all year round.

This is from Jan 2020....
by mfedley rate this post as useful

Re: Yakushima - how green in November? 2022/9/4 05:39
Thank you for your response , it was really helpful. Great photos, it certainly looks green and mossy to me!
by Boney (guest) rate this post as useful

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