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Smoking in designated smoking areas?
2022/9/19 17:52
Hello! I'm not a heavy smoker. But once in a while I like a cigar. I noticed Japan sells a lot of cigarillos but I never see anyone smoking them.
Besides a bar, are cigarillos allowed in designated smoking areas where cigarettes are allowed? I can't smoke inside my apartment or on the street in my neighborhood. However I noticed there's a smoking area by my train station but I can't find info about cigarillos/cigars.
by Kev123456
Re: Smoking in designated smoking areas?
2022/9/20 08:49
Those designated smoking areas are just that, areas where people can smoke. The majority of people smoke cigarettes and they do so before getting on a train or after getting off a train and before going to a shop or the office. Usually they are outdoors to mitigate the need for smoke extraction machines. And generally, people just go for a quick one. Cigars take time to enjoy and I can't imagine someone enjoying one standing up in the elements for quite a bit of time to smoke a cigar. There isn't a restriction for what you can legally smoke in those outdoor areas. I am not so sure about the indoor ones, as cigar smoke is quite a bit more intense in odor.
by John B digs Japan
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Re: Smoking in designated smoking areas?
2022/9/20 09:08
Thanks! that makes sense. Cigarillos are supppppper tiny and meant to be quick. They are probably smaller than cigarettes :)
by Kev123456
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