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Miyajima torii gate still under scaffolding? 2022/10/26 06:27
Is the torii gate at Miyajima/Itsukushima still under scaffolding? Has anyone been there recently that can comment?
Building works are scheduled to finish at the end of 2022, but I can’t find up to date information.
I will be in Japan early November.
Thank you
by Catherine (guest)  

Re: Miyajima torii gate still under scaffolding? 2022/10/26 16:14
- Japan Guide: Itsukushima Shrine

Recent photos are shown by Miyajima Tourist Association.

The scaffolding seems to have been mostly removed.

In November 2022,
the scaffolding may remain around the lower part of the gate,
but still I suppose the shrine is worth visiting.

The shrine might be crowded with visitors
on public holidays (November 3 and 23), Saturdays and Sundays.

- Miyajima Tourist Association ((Japanese)):
Regarding the repair work of the Grand Torii Gate未分類/大鳥居-保存修理工事について-2019年6月〜/
: Photos taken on October 24, 2022 [[PDF file]]
: Photos taken on October 5, 2022 [[PDF file]]
by omotenashi rate this post as useful

Re: Miyajima torii gate still under scaffolding? 2022/10/26 20:34
Thank you so much Omotenashi-san for your reply.
The links to the photos are fascinating, almost like a piece of art eg Christo.
I have always avoided visiting Miyajima because of the crowds, but feel it’s time to see what everyone is talking about.
by Catherine (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Miyajima torii gate still under scaffolding? 2022/10/27 00:11
by kamahen (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Miyajima torii gate still under scaffolding? 2022/10/27 08:26
I was there a few days ago (Friday). Most of the scaffolding has been removed. There is still some around the base, and they still have some work to do, but the torii is certainly visible and mostly unobstructed.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Miyajima torii gate still under scaffolding? 2022/10/31 18:01
Thanks everyone for your advice. Much appreciated!
by Catherine (guest) rate this post as useful

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