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Sapporo Snow Resort for kid 2022/10/29 14:59
Hi, we are heading to Sapporo early Dec with our 5 y.o boy.

Please advise the best snow resort with many facilities such as cable car, cable chair, snowboarding slide, hot spring or swimming pool etc...

We are not after the skii

Thank you,
by kimberly (guest)  

Re: Sapporo Snow Resort for kid 2022/10/30 01:42
The following is a list of ski resorts in Hokkaido

I used this site when looking at where i wanted to go for snow play with my then 9 year old in Nagano:

They helped me figure out whether Shiga Kogen would work for us, we didn't ski, just went to a snow park.

But if you go through the lists you can figure out which resort makes the most sense for your needs.
by rkold rate this post as useful

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