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Yamagata & Oishido station 2022/11/22 16:04
Dear all,
I will go to Ginzan onsen from Tokyo and will spend one night in Yamagata.
Kindly suggest its better from Tokyo directly to Oishida station then go to Ginzan onsen or go to Yamagata first leave our bag in the hotel then go to Ginzan onsen.
by Alie Henry (guest)  

Re: Yamagata & Oishido station 2022/11/22 20:05
Well you have 4 options as far as I see it:
1) drop of you baggage at the hotel in Yamagata (if time allows)
2) leave luggage in a locker at Yamagata station (risk that you donft find a free one, no lockers at Oishida station)
3) ship your luggage from Tokyo to Yamagata (youfll need to ship at least 1 day ahead. Ask your hotel for details)
4) pack so light that you can bring your bag through Ginzan onsen. The village is small, but it would definitely be no fun to have a suitcase with you if any size. A smallish bag pack might be ok if you donft mind. This option could be combined with 3, eg by shipping your luggage already to the next hotel after Yamagata and only bring one small bag for the 1 day&night.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Yamagata & Oishido station 2022/11/22 21:38
by liem (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yamagata & Oishido station 2022/11/24 01:37
Thanks for your idea, seem the third one is more visible. Tks
by Alie Henry (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yamagata & Oishido station 2022/11/24 12:58
In yamagata ,you can buy JR kirakira nihonkai passs 2 day =2610 yen
Yamako bus 1 day free pass by yamagata kotsu =1000 yen
Tsuruoka city 1 day pass by shonai kotsu bus = 2000 yen
by Jos (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yamagata & Oishido station 2022/11/24 16:56
I have bought Green JR Pass and could I use JR Pass on those transport you mentioned?
by Alie Henry (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yamagata & Oishido station 2022/11/24 23:12
We residents of japan as well as Japanese national cant buy JR green u are lucky

As you already bought JR green pass, so not only yamagata but also other prefecture inclu ding hokkaido ,kagoshima, tohoku, shikoku, you must visit.because this is Life time experi ence.Those is local transport pass,valid small area.
by Jos (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Yamagata & Oishido station 2022/11/25 19:53
JR Pass is a good deal for tourist and always use JR Pass whenever come to Japan.
I will go to Ginzan and spend 1 night in Yamagata before heading back to Tokyo next day.
I Will visit Kode, Osaka and Kyoto, if time possible will go back to Yokohama.
Since shinkansen have limited size for luggage, any idea that green card will allow bigger luggage size ordinary JR Pass. Tks
by Alie Henry (guest) rate this post as useful

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