
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Visit Japan Web - Phone too short 2022/12/13 09:32
Hi there fellow Japan lovers.
Question for people who already used the Visit Japan Web fast track system.
I'm registering my data, but the phone number field has not enough characters available to register an international number that includes the 00XX prefix.
I wouldn't mind putting the number of the first hotel, of many, I'm going to stay at while in Japan, but it turns out that the same number is used for every other part of the registration procedure, including the ones related to the vaccinations and the customs.
In short, the only contact I'm giving is the number of a hotel I'm going to stay at for just 3 days. It doesn't feel right.
How did everybody deal with this?

by GTS4400 (guest)  

Re: Visit Japan Web - Phone too short 2022/12/14 08:06
phone number field has not enough characters available to register an international number that includes the 00XX prefix
International prefixes are specific to each country and sometimes networks and are not used for forms (it would be incorrect anyway). Use a "+" sign. For example, a Japan number is +81-70-1234-5678.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Visit Japan Web - Phone too short 2022/12/14 21:01
Unfortunately, the for does not accept the '+' symbol, or any symbol, hence the need to use the 00XX format. There is no way I can fit any of my numbers, and I feel this is probably the same for a lot of travellers going to Japan from all around the world, as mobile phone numbers tend to be long in most countries.
by GTS4400 (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Visit Japan Web - Phone too short 2022/12/15 08:50
In that case just put the country code.
As I stated in my previous email, the use of a "00XX" is not part of your phone number. It is (looks like) a network access number and different countries have different codes depending where you are.
For example, a phone number in Japan might be 070-1234-5678, including the country code it becomes 81-70-1234-5678. The number you actually use to dial it depends on where you are calling from. From a landline in New Zealand it is 00-81-70-1234-5678 using the "00" code. From Australia it is 0011-81-70-1234-5678 as there code "0011" is different. Neither the "00" or "0011" codes are part of the phone number.
by JapanCustomTours rate this post as useful

Re: Visit Japan Web - Phone too short 2022/12/15 09:47
page 27 :(4) Intended address in Japan (optional) the whole columns in (4) is "OPTITIONAL".
page 37 : that is phone number of your hotel
page 55 : again, hotel number.

also, if you can read Japanese, the Japanese version indicates 日本国内で連絡可能な電話番号. they don't expect your foreign number, because they only contact you in emergency occurred in JAPAN, while you are staying in Japan.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

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