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Gap year in Japan 2023/1/8 22:26
Hi, so I live in the UK and I want to do medicine in the UK. However, I wanna take a gap year in Japan. At the moment my JLPT level is N3-N2 but am planning to be N1 by the end of 2024. My original plan was to apply to the MEXT scholarship as if I am going to go to uni there since there is a language course for the first year of the scholarship. Then after that one year ends I just say I want to go back and like didn't adapt well enough or something. But because it is all free I feel quite bad because like I am just taking advantage of a scholarship, does anyone know if this could work or of any other moderately cheap experiences like this where it's 1 year in Japan developing my language skills and enjoying the country. Or if there are any medicine related things in Japan which I could do for the gap year like an internship or something.
by hiow  

Re: Gap year in Japan 2023/1/9 10:26
If you are a UK national, go for a Working Holiday Program, or Student (enroll full-time for one year in a language school) instead of abusing the MEXT program!
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Gap year in Japan 2023/1/9 10:39
I would not recommend to do this! If you even get a chance to get a MEXT Scholarship, and if you leave Japan without even studying, then other citizens of UK can have a difficulty of getting Mext. If you get it, complete it until the end. If planning not to do so; then do not even apply to Mext: As above mentioned; go to work holidays if you wish to live in Japan for a while. But; again if your purpose is not studying, then just apply for work holiday visa.
by John (guest) rate this post as useful

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