
Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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Renewals while having moved abroad 2023/1/9 15:37
I have PR but had to move to my home country to take care of a sick relative. I unregistered at the city hall and got a 5 years multi re-entry permit - and whenever I can, I have been going back to Japan for as long as it's possible, but currently I can't stay permanently and while I will move back to Japan for good at some point, I'm not sure how long this situation will continue.

So my question is that, for example, my Japanese driver license will expire at the end of the year and I don't have an address anymore. I won't receive any notifications either. Can I just go to the driver license center a week before the expiration in person and get it extended? My Zairyu card still shows my old address but of course it's not valid anymore so I'm a bit lost what to do....
by Onsensei (guest)  

Re: Renewals while having moved abroad 2023/1/9 17:49
According to the National Police Agency's official website, you do need a valid address in Japan, but the address can be temporary.

As an example, the website tells us that if you are staying at your parents' home in Japan as a temporary visitor, you can use the parents' home address. But you need to do a "juusho-henko" which means that you need to go to the city hall and officially register the parents' address as your new address instead of the old one.

I wonder if your case fits into any of what is written in their website below. In any case, it's not illegal to extend your driver's license as a temporary visitor, so why not ask the Japanese police for more details?

by Uco rate this post as useful

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