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Luggage storage at Hiroshima train station? 2023/1/22 10:50
We are thinking of traveling directly from Tokyo to Hiroshima on the early morning bullet train, then spending most of the day there before going to spend one night at Miyajima. Is there any place to leave our bags while we explore Hiroshima? Or a service that would deliver them to our hotel? If not, I guess we could go directly to Miyajima and then return to Hiroshima in the late afternoon or the next morning, but it seems inefficient. We are headed to Kyoto by train the following night. Mahalo!
by Karen (guest)  

Re: Luggage storage at Hiroshima train station? 2023/1/22 17:49
by liem (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Luggage storage at Hiroshima train station? 2023/1/22 19:58
You might consider sending tge bulk if your luggage from Tokyo to your Kyoto hotel by TaQBin and just bring one small bag for one night. Put it in a locker at Hiroshima station , visit Hiroshima , pick up your small luggage go to your accommodation In Miyajima spend the night there and then next day go to Kyoto where your luggage will be awaiting you.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Luggage storage at Hiroshima train station? 2023/1/23 03:21
When is this trip planned, if it's close to or during the G7 in May all storage lockers are likely to be closed just like during the G20 in 2019.
by rkold rate this post as useful

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