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Issuance of COE for humanities/engeneering 2023/1/24 18:30
Good Afternoon

I would personally ask for your advice with regards to my cousinfs case.

On April 21, he was interviewed by a Japanese employer ( Akita prefecture area) through online. The said job was for an office job. After three weeks, the female employer gave him a job offer in English. Upon checking the contract, there were no details on the breakdown of his salary and even the benefits. While my cousin was waiting for updates on his COE and POLO application ( Requirements for Philippine Labor Side), the employer asked him to translate documents even at midnight for 3 months. Unfortunately, the female employer did not pay my cousin and when he confronted her, the employer did not give a concrete answer on the update of his COE. She even told to my cousin g I donft know about your COE, you should know ith. After that my cousin informed the employer that he would be cancelling the job offer because her system was not clear. The employer told him that she has already cancelled his application for COE. When my cousin asked him any evidence, the female employer was not able to show proof and she only told that everything was already cancelled.

By September, my cousin continued applying for another company because the first employer did not work out . he passed an interview for a company based in Saitama. The employer said that itfs their first time to outsource a worker from the Philippines and theyre not familiar with the procedure. The employer asked my cousin to email his passport details and educational certificates. After 4 weeks, my cousin followed up the employer for the contract but the employer didnft reply . After two weeks, my cousin emailed the employer again and the employer told to my cousin that theyfre not sure about his employment because itfs hard to get an applicant from our country due to the policies implanted by our country. So, my cousin gave up and looked for another company.

By December, my cousin finally found an established company based in Nagasaki (operating for 35 years already) and the company was very fast in processing his documents for the Philippine Labor requirements. The company also gave the standard contract with benefits breakdown and working conditions to my cousin. Now, his COE is on process , will there be a problem with his COE application or none? Since the first company did not process my cousinfs documents properly. Your replies will be a big help to my cousin who is very nervous right now. Have a nice day and thank you.
by Jazzy88  

Re: Issuance of COE for humanities/engeneering 2023/1/25 10:50
I have just googled the situation how to hire Philippine people.
in your country, when you want to work in a foreign country, you and your (foreign) employer must get a permission from YOUR country. that is uncommon rule. also, your country seems to request the process through specialized agencies. it seems that the employer need to spend some money and tremendous paperwork, which are not necessary when they hire other country's foreigners.
the first and the second companies might not know this fact, when they offered a job.
you mentioned here is that the third company knows this process and they took necessary paperwork.

therefore, major source of problems is your country.
by ken (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Issuance of COE for humanities/engeneering 2023/1/25 14:04
Thank you for the explanation. So for the COE procedure, there's no problem since the thirdy company is doing the appropriate procedures for both japan and philippine side right? The first two companies didnt really give detailed job offer contracts
by Jazzy88 rate this post as useful

Re: Issuance of COE for humanities/engeneering 2023/1/28 03:08
I do not believe that both companies that you mentioned above (which are located in Akita and Saitama) applied for CoE. In order to apply for CoE, it is necessary to fill in forms for Certificate of Eligibility. Even if third party like attorney prepares your documents on behalf of you, you have to sign all the forms. Thereafter, they will apply for CoE. When employer applied for the CoE, they will receive from Immigration Bureau a number of application, which number you will get as a proof that your documents were submitted and on the process of screening. In your case probably both companies which are in Akita and Saitama, they were not familiar with your country rules. As I know, employers should ask a permission from your country and thereafter proceed to apply for CoE. It is an additional requirement and cost for a company and not all employers prefer to do so, unless a candidate worth it.
by John (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Issuance of COE for humanities/engeneering 2023/1/28 06:13
As John said, there should be no problem, since two previous employers did not proxeed with COE application. You should only receive permission from your government that you are eligible to relocate to work in Japan. I do not see any other problems. I hope that your cousin found a good company. There are many gblackh companies that pay less and working conditions may not be that good as your ezpectations. So, I would prefer to check the company and read the review to understand about a company. But, if they are ready to apply for a visa and contacted with third party, then it should be good company.
by c (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Issuance of COE for humanities/engeneering 2023/1/28 15:28
I would say your cousin should have no problem - the current company seems to know about your countryfs procedures, and is willing to go with the CoE. Probably the first company either didnft apply for CoE at all, or cancelled completely, and the second didnft apply at all, so there should be no problem.

(If multiple applications for the same person for the same time frame are made, that could be a problem, but the way things stand, I see no issue.) Best wishes to your cousin.
by AK rate this post as useful

Re: Issuance of COE for humanities/engeneering 2023/2/10 14:54
Thank you very much for the advices. My cousin now is quite relieved. His documents were submitted to nagasaki immigration last january 19 and hes a bit nervous with the result. But were praying that it shall be approved.... This coe is for humanities and intl services. Usually how fast is the approval?
by Jazzy88 rate this post as useful

Re: Issuance of COE for humanities/engeneering 2023/2/11 13:21
Thatfs nice to hear that you have already submitted the documents! I really hope that you will get good news soon! It takes approximately 1-2 months usually, but when the Immigration is busy, it can take even 3 months. Hope it will be useful.
by John (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Issuance of COE for humanities/engeneering 2023/2/11 15:04
Thank your your helpful advices.. So theres nothing to worrywith the first and second company who did not process his documents? The whole situation was stressfyl for him because he spent money and time.. Finally his nagasaki employer is corresponding on time..praying for the approval of his coe.
by Jazzy88 rate this post as useful

Re: Issuance of COE for humanities/engeneering 2023/2/11 15:04
Thank your your helpful advices.. So theres nothing to worrywith the first and second company who did not process his documents? The whole situation was stressfyl for him because he spent money and time.. Finally his nagasaki employer is corresponding on time..praying for the approval of his coe.
by Jazzy88 rate this post as useful

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