Dear visitor, if you know the answer to this question, please post it. Thank you!

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TaQbin - KIX to Kanazawa hotels 2023/1/24 22:15
I've been reading and re-reading and other sites articles on TaQbin/ Hands-free services and have managed to confuse myself with either marketing statements or the English-language terms and conditions resulting in "I do not know if it is possible to send baggage directly from Kansai International Airport to a Kanazawa hotel with same day or next day service.

I do read that I can send bags "home," but "home" is not a hotel. I read I can send bags to Osaka/Kyoto area hotels for same day service. I read I can send bags to the airport. I have not found a clear direct statement that informs me I can send a bag from KIX to a Kanazawa hotel.

The questions are
1. Is there a service for sending luggage, which is too big for the Shinkansen, available inside the arrivals hall at Kansai International Airport that can deliver luggage to Kanazawa hotels? (I suspect the answer is "yes".)
2. Do you have a service provider recommendation?
by fromrow2  

Re: TaQbin - KIX to Kanazawa hotels 2023/1/25 11:08
Yes, you can send luggage to a hotel.
It normally is next day delivery unless there is a specific same day delivery offer. And for sending back to the airport it is 2 days.

You donft know the KIX layout but am sure there must be a desk in the arrivals hall somewhere

I personally always use Yamato Kuroneko.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: TaQbin - KIX to Kanazawa hotels 2023/1/26 06:16
No shinkansen between KIX and Kanazawa. So if that is the reason for using baggage delivery. Save the money and time and just carry it on the limited expresses you will travel on.
by h (guest) rate this post as useful

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