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Which rail passes is best for us? 2023/2/7 21:19
Hi all,

We plan to go to japan for 7 days on May and the rough itinerary will be:
1: Arrive at Osaka, Daytrip Osaka, Hotel Osaka
2: Fullday USJ, Hotel Osaka
3: Go to kanazawa, explore shirakawago,Hotel Kanazawa
4: Fullday alpine route, Hotel Osaka
5: Daytrip Kyoto, Hotel Osaka
6: Daytrip Nara, Hotel Osaka
7: Explore Osaka and shop, Flight back

Which rail passes would be best for us? Thanks!
by mochaul  

Re: Which rail passes is best for us? 2023/2/8 11:55
None. As you only have one trip outside Osaka.
by H (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Which rail passes is best for us? 2023/2/8 16:16
Takayama-Hokuriku Area Tourist Pass ((5-day))
can cover train and bus rides for your trips
to USJ and back (train rides),
from Osaka to Kanazawa then to Toyama (#)
then back to Osaka (train rides),
from Kanazawa to Shirakawa-go
then back to Kanazawa (bus rides) and
from Osaka to Kyoto then back (train rides),
plus a JR train ride
for one way to or from Kansai-airport Station.

(#) The bus service between Shirakawa-go and Toyama Station
is currently suspended.

- Takayama-Hokuriku Area Tourist Pass

- Bus timetable
by omotenashi rate this post as useful

Re: Which rail passes is best for us? 2023/2/10 19:28
Thank you omotenashi!

So that means I need to buy tickets for Kyoto & Nara daytrip separately? Which options is best?

What do you mean bus to Shirakawa-go suspended? Will it still be on May?
by mochaul rate this post as useful

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