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Shimanami Kaido with kids over 3 days 2023/3/2 14:35
Hi All

We are a family of 4 and plan to cycle the Shimanami Kaido later this year (from Onomichi to Imabari) with a 12 yr old and 9 yr old and are looking at cycling the route over 3 days (roughly 25 km a day) with sightseeing in between. Our 12 yr old is a strong cyclist but our 9 yr old might need a few breaks.

I haven't been able to find any past itineraries for 3 days with suggested accommodation around the 25km mark so far. Can anyone please suggest some places or guide me to web pages that might have that information?

Thanks very much!
by Albert (guest)  

Re: Shimanami Kaido with kids over 3 days 2023/3/3 00:10
The route is pretty much this one:

On Omishima I took an extra detour, which was very nice. One can also just pass through it on to the next island.

HOWEVER I found the traffic on the last two island going to Imabari very heavy. I wouldnft want to do the main road with kids. I believe there is an alternative route on the second last island. I am not sure about the last one though. Taking those detours will make the ride considerably longer, but also more enjoyable. So maybe consider to do only half , until Omishima but do the detours on Omishima and if you have enough time on the next island before getting on a bus. Check out what options you have.

Also check the bike rental options. The typical Japanese mamachari is a heavy affair and actually quite a lot of people use that kind of bike. But make sure you get something a bit better at least for the kids to make it more fun. For the parents at 25 km/day a mamachari will be more than enough.

For accommodation I used Jalan, but other websites are also available.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Shimanami Kaido with kids over 3 days 2023/3/4 12:29
Thanks very much especially about the traffic. I'm trying to find decent kid's bikes with gears so the ride is easier. We might also use a bungee cord (found on amazon for bikes) for our youngest to help her up the hills.
by Albert (guest) rate this post as useful

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