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Companies to teach english in Saitama 2023/3/13 23:17
What are the best companies to teach English at an elementary school in Saitama , Japan?

I want to be an english teacher in Saitama, Japan but for little kids. Do you know any good companies that pay well and also treat you well? I dont want a contract job though. That is why I dont really want to go to the JET Program because the maximum years are 5 right?
by Mizaki_Chizaru (guest)  

Re: Companies to teach english in Saitama 2023/3/14 10:32
What is your resident/visa/citizenship status ? Are you in Japan now?
Do you know/understand/researched what 'teaching English in Japan' means ?
Read this if you don't..

best , pay well ,treat you well,not contract job
Short answer to your question is a big NO.

companies that pay well and also treat you well
None. Explain what do you mean by 'pay well' ?
Standard pay for 'dancing monkey tape recorder' @ ALT is up to 250,000yen, most pay less.

ALT(Assistant Language Teacher) are the one that 'teach English' at public elementary school.

Most are contract worker dispatched by company such as Interact,Borderlink, Altia, Joytalk etc.

JET program is the 'best' in term of pay and reputation.
And also 'proper legit' International school.

by @.. (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Companies to teach english in Saitama 2023/3/25 08:03
Are you a certified teacher?

If the answer to this is no, then the job you are looking for does not exist. The only non-contract work that you'll find is teaching at an international school and even then it isn't guaranteed that you'd be able to teach the age group you are looking to teach.

If by chance you are a certified teacher then Columbia International School is the only international school that I am aware of in Saitama.
by Goober (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Companies to teach english in Saitama 2023/3/25 09:55

why don't you want to go through JET? Just curious to know your reasons.

I think you should reconsider if you can, and here's why:

You get paid reasonably well for the amount of working hours you put in as an ALT, you get lots of time off to explore Japan and work towards your next job application, plus it gives you a preview of what teaching English in Japan is like under good circumstances. i.e. if you can't tolerate this, you probably won't be able to work as a English teacher in other companies, lower pay longer hours, likely lesser/no weekends. (not counting international schools/universities or NTE (native teacher of english? if that's even a real thing)

Also, why specifically Saitama?

Sorry that came across as a pro-JET post lol, but what I meant to say is that there're quite a bit of advantages even though it's " a max of only 5 years " as you say. I'm sure the kind of job you're seeking does not exist though, best of luck!
by King of the World (guest) rate this post as useful

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