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Is 16k yen a day sufficient? 2023/3/14 14:45
Will be spending a week in Tokyo, 4 days each in Osaka/Kyoto and 3 more in Hiroshima. With flights, accomodation and JR rail pass covered, will 16000 yen a day be doable?
by Andrew (guest)  

Re: Is 16k yen a day sufficient? 2023/3/14 16:55
That's more than I normally spend in a day without transport or hotels.....

As such - the answer is yes unless you have expensive tastes.....
by mfedley rate this post as useful

Re: Is 16k yen a day sufficient? 2023/3/14 20:01
Yes, that's plenty.

You can eat and drink like a lord with that money.
by Denis C rate this post as useful

Re: Is 16k yen a day sufficient? 2023/3/14 20:03
Excellent. Cheers guys
by Drew (guest) rate this post as useful

Re: Is 16k yen a day sufficient? 2023/3/15 04:01
As others have said, that is far more than enough, probably fine for two people.

Of all the places I've been to, I get the impression that Japan knows better than any how to fairly price something for what it is worth, given the scarcity and how much work has gone into producing it. So if you are into only having the finest produce, such as only eating large unblemished strawberries grown in the most favourable corner of the field while Geisha fan them and sing platitudes... then that strawberry will be your day's budget.

But the opposite is true as well, and I haven't come across another country where the bar for 'just ok' is so high. Museums/attractions also seem much more fairly priced than here in the UK as well (maybe apart from Disneyland but I wouldn't know). Add to that the novelty in being in such a different culture and even convenience store or budget food options are still a great experience.

My bet is that unless you demand Wagyu for every meal, either you will get home with a nice chunk of money to convert back, or by half way through you will realise and be able to buy one or two fantastic souvenirs or pay for an extravagant experience that comes available that you didn't expect to have.

Have fun, be kind, and don't forget to bring me back a wasabi Kit-Kat! (jk)
by Orangezorki rate this post as useful

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