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Where are some safes places to live, Saitama? 2023/4/14 07:29
Where are the safest neighborhoods or areas to live in Saitama? I want something entertaining but still safe to go out alone. Not somewhere too crowded but not too ... boring i guess. Thank you!
by Anime Fan (guest)  

Re: Where are some safes places to live, Saitama? 2023/4/14 16:55
Northern Saitama comes with a low risk of natural disasters. But if you go all the way to northern Saitama, I recommend to cross into Gunma and consider Takasaki. Low risk of natural disasters, a decent amount of restaurants, lots of cheap golf courses. But you need a car, and summers are particularly hot.
by Uji rate this post as useful

Re: Where are some safes places to live, Saitama? 2023/4/14 21:29
Your question sounds more like a safe city where to walk around alone after dark through a park as a sole woman. If thatfs your question (and not something connected with natural disaster) essentially all Japan is safe. I am a sole women and the only time where I donft feel safe is in the deep countryside when I am walking/cycling alone and there are warning signs of bears. Everywhere else Japan is incredibly safe. (And frankly there arenft that many bear attacks either, but just gets to my nerves to be alone in a forrest thatfs surrounded by a bear fence. But I am inside the fence.
by LikeBike rate this post as useful

Re: Where are some safes places to live, Saitama? 2023/4/15 07:19

But any specific places?
by Anime Fan (guest) rate this post as useful

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